Herb list [finally] updated

I just updated the 2015 Herb List to better show what is currently in stock and on the way. I’m still doing a lot of seeding and planting and just put together an order for some interesting new seed varieties to try out, so check back in a few weeks to see how that’s going!

Having a hard time keeping up with everything!! The 4″ pots are the bulk of my selection, but getting them planted is only the beginning– I have to maintain the plants (watering daily, fertilizing, pruning, spacing as plants get larger, rearranging the display as it gets ransacked), replant hot sellers (hopefully before the current batch sells out), make sure all the labels and signs are right and don’t get moved around or “borrowed” (some signs leave the building and never return!), and then keep up a good selection of mixed planters and the seeded crop to boot. I do all this in stolen moments or by staying late, as I’m primarily in the greenhouse to do all the watering & fertilizing, cover the register when needed, and manage the crew when Dad’s at the market. (Then at home I have this poor neglected blog, and also maintain the greenhouse’s website and Facebook page.)

I love having new things to try out. I don’t find any part of my herb work tedious, except maybe handwriting labels, but new plants make it even more exciting and enjoyable! I’ll keep you posted once the seed order comes in…

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